Describe the connection between your dominant culture(s) and the dimensions of cultural variability. What have you observed in your dominant culture(s) that serve as good examples of the dimensions of cultural variability? Use specific examples.

REFLECTION PAPER #1 — MY CULTURAL IDENTITY CMTC 317: Intercultural Communication

• Promote awareness of how one’s own cultural identity influences attempts to commtmicate interculturally

• Provide opportunities for application of conceptual material through course assignments • To enhance your ability to communicate competently across cultural differences
Approach: Reflection papers are meant to provide students the opportunity to apply course content to themselves and their own experiences with culture and intercultural communication. Reflection Paper 1 requires students to reflect on their own cultural background, “roots,” or heritage and connect their own experience back to course content about cultural values impacting communication.

At this point in the semester, we have covered the cultural context (Chapter 2 -referring to the dominant cultural influences) and the microcultural context (Chapter 3 – referring to other cultural influences occurring within the dominant culture). Reflection Paper #1 requires you to explore and articulate your own cultural identity by including the following (feel free to also have an introduction and conclusion):

I. Dimensions of Cultural Variability – Define and explain the dimensions of cultural variability (individualism-collectivism, high/low context, strong/weak =certainty avoidance, high/low power distance, value orientations) we have focused on so far in class.

Through your descriptions of cultural variability, demonstrate your understanding of course content. For example, please make sure to define all vocabulary as if your reader does not have previous understanding of course content. All descriptions of dimensions of cultural variability should be based in fact (please cite the course textbook), NOT your personal opinions or interpretations.

2. Application of Cultural Context – Analyze your “dominant” culture, or most important aspects of your cultural identity. For most of us, at least for the time being, are likely influenced heavily by the culture of the United States. For some of us, especially if we are living in the U.S. temporarily, might also be heavily influenced by a different culture.

a. Identity your dominant culture(s).

b. Describe the connection between your dominant culture(s) and the dimensions of cultural variability. What have you observed in your dominant culture(s) that serve as good examples of the dimensions of cultural variability? Use specific examples.

3. Application of Microcultural Context – Analyze your microculture(s), or secondary influences on your cultural identity. Because our microcultural identity can often stem from ethnic background, this might be a great opportunity to speak to your family members about heritage in your family and any known immigration experiences that might help you understand microcultural influences.

What aspect(s) of the ethnic heritage you have described above, if any, has influenced your thinking and behavior? While microcultures are often tied to ethnicity or background (and the textbook focuses a lot on these microcultures), remember that microcultural identity can also tie back to other group membership, such as religion, lifestyle, and even gender.

a. Identity any microcultural influences to your cultural identity. What are some traditions, customs, values, behaviors, etc. that are important or typical within that microculture?

b. Describe the connection between your microcultures and dimensions of cultural variability IF they differ from the dominant culture. No need to do a full analysis of each dimension of cultural variability. Only look to places where the microculture varies from the larger, dominant culture to which you belong. What have you observed in your microculture(s) that serve as good examples of the dimensions of cultural variability?

4. References Page — the end of your paper must include an APA-style references page, which must include all sources you cited within your paper (likely only your course textbook). Please follow APA style closely.

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