Stewart, Fischer, Jirji, and Davis list four concepts associated with the relationship between occupation and health and well-being. Choose an occupation, and explain how that occupation may provide a person with each of these four concepts.

Words: 147
Pages: 1
Subject: Nursing

Question 3: The Stewart, Fischer, Jirji, and Davis article found that a theme of OT and OS literature is that “a reciprocal relationship exists between health and wellbeing and occupation.” In other words, health and wellbeing influence occupations, and occupations influence health and wellbeing. Do you agree with this idea? Why or why not? Provide examples to support your claim.

Question 4: Stewart, Fischer, Jirji, and Davis list four concepts associated with the relationship between occupation and health and well-being. Choose an occupation, and explain how that occupation may provide a person with each of these four concepts.

BONUS Question 5 (worth 2 extra points): Wilcock suggests on page 4 that people have not thought about how to support their occupational nature, which has led to negative health effects. What do you think about that idea? (Think back to the readings from week 2 about how humans’ relationships with humanschanged as we evolved.)

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