Demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered in this module by using/applying concepts and models from the assigned readings:Communication with management team? Message orientation?


Read the case in Belasen’s Corporate Communication (2008), pp. 246-248 and answer the 8 questions on p. 248 (clue. Review chapter 11 carefully for ideas and insights). Use charts to illustrate your points. 6-8 pages, double-spaced, TNR 12, standard margins. Make sure to demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered in this module by using/applying concepts and models from the assigned readings Submit as Word Attachment.

Add your name, course, professor, and date submitted to the front page.

Rubric for evaluating your answers:

Case Questions

1. Communication with management team? Message orientation?

2. Key stakeholders and sources of power; Provides a table

3. BelBeck’s predominant culture type, characteristics, communication pattern

4. Organizational issues

5. BelBeck’s organizational structure; provides a diagram

6. Reconfiguring the structure; provides a diagram

7.Communication plan for monitoring the success of the reorganization

8.Success of the communication plan for the various stakeholders

9. Writing style (how well the paper is written and structured; proper documentation of sources used; reference list)

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