In “From the Eiffel Tower to the Javanese Dancers,” the author refers to “the dynamics of visual mediation” as “the process thru which media technologies make a great variety of social & cultural experience widely & immediately available” (Young, 2008, n. 3). Discuss this phenomenon and its effects in relation to 1) the 19C Worlds Fairs & the 1889 Paris Expo in particular.

Words: 72
Pages: 1
Subject: Art

1.In “From the Eiffel Tower to the Javanese Dancers,” the author refers to “the dynamics of visual mediation” as “the process thru which media technologies make a great variety of social & cultural experience widely & immediately available” (Young, 2008, n. 3). Discuss this phenomenon and its effects in relation to 1) the 19C Worlds Fairs & the 1889 Paris Expo in particular 2) the media & technology landscape of 2020 3) your own experience & understanding of both.

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