Discuss what impact the following factors have on an industry, Demographic, Political/Legal, Sociocultural, Economic, Technological, Global Sustainable Physical.

External Environment
The general environment
Please discuss the following factors that have an impact to the industry
• Demographic • Political/Legal • Sociocultural
• Economic • Technological • Global • Sustainable Physical
The general environment is composed of elements in the broader society that can indirectly influence an industry and the firms within the industry. But firms cannot directly control the general environment’s segments and elements.
The industry environment
Please run through the Porter’s Five Forces for the industry
•Threat of New Entrants •Power of Buyers •Power of Suppliers
•Intensity of Rivalry •Product Substitutes
The industry environment is the set of factors—threat of new entrants, suppliers, buyers, product substitutes, and the intensity of rivalry among competitors—that directly influence a firm and its competitive decisions and responses.
The competitor environment
Competitor analysis represents the firm’s understanding of its current competitors. This understanding will complement information and insights derived from investigating the general and industry environments.
Sum up lessons learned from your external researching. This section of the paper concludes with a discussion of competitor analysis. Firms need to collect competitor intelligence in order to analyze the future objectives, current strategies, assumptions, and capabilities of rivals. Different techniques can be used, but firms should only use legal and ethical practices.
After you have captured the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats – share with me what does this mean and how will you use this information to help you with your recommendations.
Existing corporate-level strategy
Start out with their mission statement
Identify the existing corporate-level strategies
Business-level strategy
Identify existing business-level strategies
Company’s structure and control systems
Identify the company’s structure and controls systems
Your recommended strategies should fit with their existing structure and control systems

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