Name two short-term goals for John. Name two nursing interventions for each one goal. How would you evaluate?Explain



The goal of this activity is to view a video of people with mental illness and the impact it has on their lives including relationships with other people.

Movie: A Beautiful Mind

Write a two-page analysis discussing the following questions about this movie:

1. Describe the main characters – Name two short-term goals for John. Name two nursing interventions for each one goal. How would you evaluate?, Alicia Nash and Dr. Rosen

2. What were John’s delusions/hallucinations? Describe in detail.

3. What kinds of treatment were prescribed for him?

4. How did Alicia and his family handle his illness?

On a third sheet of paper, using John’s character in the video and when he was first hospitalized:

1. What are two priority nursing diagnoses for John?

2. Name two short-term goals for John. Name two nursing interventions for each one goal. How would you evaluate?

3. Name two long-term goals for John.

4. What support groups would be available for John today?

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