In 700 words, write a short story that features one main character who undergoes a change by the end.

Fiction Assignment  – Flash Fiction

In 700 words, write a short story that features one main character who undergoes a change by the end. Focus on this character’s dialog with at least one other character.

Description and vivid sensory detail are also welcome – but remember, the focus will still be on representing these characters’ personalities through their dialog and chanicterization. Since you have only 600 words to tell this story, it may help to imagine that you are portraying a pivotal moment in your main character’s life.

Your story can be realistic, fantasy, science fiction – you are welcome to play with the genre. This is your chance to be creative with sentences and word choice without risk. Try out some ideas and see what works!

Length: 700 words no less, and try not to write too much more) Format: Typed Double spaced, Times New Roman font, I” margins on each side of page, standard MLA heading in upper left corner (my name, your name, class. date)

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