How have small business expectations changed as compared to the past in the following areas from a millennial standpoint: . Reflect on at least 3 of the mentioned items in the list for full credit.


As you have seen from the 1920’s until now, small businesses have changed drastically from then until now.

1. With respect to small business expectations in 2020, answer the following question in this section only from a consumer standpoint.

How have small business expectations changed as compared to the past in the following areas from a millennial standpoint: . Reflect on at least 3 of the mentioned items in the list for full credit.

2. How has the work ethic mentality changed from the older days of business up until today from A WORKER’S point of view? (How has the worker’s attitude changed over the years towards physical work in general?)

3. Look at the differences in consumer work ethic from 1920’s, 1960’s, 1980’s, 1990s, 2000s and 2010 years.

Research the eras of time from this list and choose 3 to reflect on in the following question.

What invention in that era had come about to make work life easier? How did it affect work ethic AND make that type of work more convenient that it was prior to the invention? Explain on a theoretical scale how the human mind reacts to new conveniences overall.

4. Talk about the concept of millennials and obtaining jobs after college. Is it all well and good or are their problems that need to be assessed? If there are no issues explain WHY. If there are issues ,explain the issues and how we fix them.

How are small businesses creating lifelines for millennials? (Explain the millennial mentality to the small business)

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