Taking together what you have learned about adolescent development throughout this course, write a speech you would deliver for adolescents as they emerge into adulthood.

We are at an important socio-political moment in history, particularly for adolescents.

Taking together what you have learned about adolescent development throughout this course, write a speech you would deliver for adolescents as they emerge into adulthood.

You can imagine that you are delivering a commencement speech to adolescents as they finish high school, a speech at a protest/demonstration demanding justice for adolescents, and/or a speech to adolescents in another setting as they transition to adulthood.

It is important to attend to the following components of the assignment.

Use these subheadings when drafting your assignment: 

Background: [5 points]

Who is the audience? Be specific regarding the social positionalities of the adolescents you are addressing.
What are the elements of their context that shape their experience?

Speech Content: [5 points]

What is essential advice to adolescents based on what you have learned in the class?
What are the challenges that adolescents in these social positions/contexts experience?
What are the opportunities that adolescents in these social positions/contexts experience?

Conclusion: [5 points]

Taking together what you have learned in our course and what you have observed from this particular sociopolitical moment, what message do you want to leave adolescents with?

Formatting and writing: [5 points]
Clarity of ideas & attention to details [2 points]
Ideas are clearly presented and articulated fully
Free of grammar, punctuation and spelling errors

Formatting [2 points]

The speech should be no more than 5 pages (double spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman font). The speech can be filmed and uploaded (along with a transcript) before the due date.

References [1 point]

At least one reference from the course is included in the document.


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