Discuss the pertinent and specific patient teaching points based on the recommended vaccines to be given at the well-child visit. Be sure to include post immunization guidance.

(150 points)


The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the pediatric patient who presents for a well-child visit. The student should identify irregular findings on the pediatric exam and utilizing the recommended vaccine schedule issued by the CDC, develop an appropriate teaching plan for the correct vaccines  that should be issued at the well visit. A short discussion of the diseases the vaccines protect against is to be included. Finally, identify any patient information that should be discussed regarding the recommended and issued vaccines at that visit. Be thorough and concise.

The case study is provided for you, you are not to create your own. See below

Download the patient case to analyze and use for the assessment piece of this assignment
Week 2_Pediatric_Assessment_and_Vaccine_Teaching_Plan_Assignment.pdf

The paper should adhere to APA format 7th edition. A sample template is included for guidance.

Pediatric Assessment and Vaccine Teaching Plan Assignment Rubric


Points Available

Points Received

Provide a short summary of why well-child visits are important and what pertinent health topics might be discussed between the provider and the child and parent for this particular age patient (list at least 5). (50 pts)

50 pts

25 pts

0 pts

Summary of well child visit is thorough; health topics are discussed and are relevant to age of child.

Summary of well child visit partially discussed; topics are partially relevant to age of child.

Summary of well child visit is not thorough and topics are not relevant to age of child.

Identify the vaccines this patient will need to receive today. Include a short discussion of the diseases these vaccines will help to prevent. (25 pts)

25 pts

12.5 pts

0 pts

Vaccines are correctly identified, and discussion of disease associated with vaccine is discussed thoroughly.

Vaccines are partially identified; discussion of diseases is partially completed.

Vaccines are not correctly identified; discussion is vague and incomplete.

Discuss all abnormal assessment findings on the patient’s physical exam and any recommended follow up. (25 pts)

25 pts

12.5 pts

0 pts

Abnormal assessment findings are correctly identified, recommendations for follow up are appropriate and thorough.

Abnormal assessment findings are partially identified, recommendations for follow up are appropriate, but not thorough.

Abnormal assessment findings are not correctly identified, recommendations are not identified and/or are not appropriate.

Discuss the pertinent and specific patient teaching points based on the recommended vaccines to be given at the well-child visit. Be sure to include post immunization guidance.

(20 points) In addition, develop a patient teaching handout for the parents. This is original work and should be creative in design. (30 pts)

50 pts

25 pts

0 pts

Coverage of teaching points are identified and are pertinent to the vaccines being administered; patient-teaching handout is original, creative, thorough and neat.

Some teaching points are identified that are partially pertinent to vaccines being administered; patient-teaching handout is partially done and/or neatness and quality are lacking.

Pertinent teaching points are not complete and/or not relevant to the vaccines being administered

Total Points: 150 pts.

Peds Assessment and Vaccine Teaching Plan Sample (1).docx
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