Choose a case study from film or television and analyse the learning context, learner/s attributes, and the interaction between context and attributes. Use what you have established about the learning and learner/s to apply to a broader discussion on how learning occurs.

Case Study Analysis (Assessment Task 2) – 50% total unit mark; 2,000 word report
Choose a case study from film or television and analyse the learning context, learner/s attributes, and the interaction between context and attributes. Use what you have established about the learning and learner/s to apply to a broader discussion on how learning occurs.

Your complete Case Study Analysis (including appendix) should be submitted as one document here: Case Study Analysis (Assessment Task 2)
There are a number of steps you will need to work through in order to complete the Case Study Analysis.

Step 1: Locate a Case Study

You will need to choose your own case study from pop culture (TV/Film) to analyse. The clip you choose must be between 3-5 minutes duration(anything past 5 minutes will not be viewed) and must be available to be viewed by the marker, eg. a working online link or embedded YouTube clip in the Appendix.

When choosing a clip to use as a case study, think carefully about the requirements of the assessment task (including the assessment criteria and rubric) and how well you will be able to apply what you have learnt in the unit to your analysis of the learner/s in order to show how you understand learning occurs.


Step 2: Analyse your Case Study

After choosing your case study, you will need to undertake your analysis. You may find this table helpful in organising your observations about the case study: Case Study Analysis Sheet

Your analysis needs to focus on the case study (clip) you have chosen, but you may include some additional information in your report from other parts of the television series/film to contextualise your analysis if necessary, eg. “Prior to the birthday party shown in the case study, Freddie had been told by his mother that he had to thank everyone for the presents they brought him.”

Step 3: Write your Report
When you write your report, you will need to include eight specific sections:
Title and Contents
The Case Study and Learning Context
Learner Attributes
Positive Psychology & Self
Impact of the Learning Context on the Learner

Discussion: How Learning Occurs

References (You are required to use Harvard referencing)
You will engage with a presentation that unpacks the report structure and opportunities for discussion, questions and clarification for Campus (Burwood/Geelong) students in seminars and Cloud students on the discussion boards and in online check in sessions as you prepare to write your final submission.
You can download the presentation here: EDU201 Case Study Analysis
Assessment Criteria
Relevant introduction to the case study and learning context
In-depth discussion of learner attributes in relation to intelligence, development and self with appropriate references to literature
Thorough consideration of the impact of the described learning context on the learner
Thoughtful and detailed discussion of how learning occurs with strong links to key theories of educational psychology
Effective use of reporting structure; all required sections are included and appropriate formatting is used
Assignment is clearly expressed and carefully proof read. Harvard referencing system is used appropriately

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