Briefly explain why you would use two contingency tables (1-2 sentences).


Question Sheet

Section 1 is worth 10 points. Section 2 is worth 20 points. Section 3 is worth 20 points

Section 1:

Observational methods research scenarios Scenario 1

A researcher asked 15 University employees to each complete a sentence describing themselves in the format “I am_____”. He is interested in whether University employees are more likely than other people to mention their occupation in relation to their identity andwhether they are more likely to use positive terms when describing it. First, the researcher aims to test their coding scheme. Observers record whether sentences mention the participants’ career affiliation and whether those who mention their career affiliation use positive terms (e.g., “I am a hard-working lecturer”), negative term (e.g., “I am an overworked academic”), or neutral terms (e.g., “I am a Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology”). a.Based on the observational scenario described above, draw out the relevant contingency table(s) in which you would code whether target behaviour(s) did or did not occur. You do not have to enter any values in the table(s).

Briefly explain why you would use two contingency tables (1-2 sentences).[4 points]

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