Present an education program to help Brimbank residents make healthy & sustainable meals on a budget to reduce the economic barrier to healthy eating.


Present an education program to help Brimbank residents make healthy & sustainable meals on a budget to reduce the economic barrier to healthy eating.



Chosen local government area: Brimbank city – a local government area located within the metropolitan area of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Victoria, Australia.

Please research to answer the following questions in detail:

– What are the specific details of this recommendation? Where, when, how, for who, etc?

– Why this recommendation is an effective approach to strengthen the local food system?

– Evidence must be provided as to why this recommendation should be prioritised in Brimbank?

– Evidence as to why this recommendation is feasible in Brimbank?

– What changes need to occur within the LGA of Brimbank in order to make this recommendation a reality?

– Who’s responsible? What partners/stakeholders/organisations should be involved?

– When the actions need to take place? A timeframe for action?

To answer these questions, you should:

– research initiatives that have already been implemented in other local areas or countries and their results; you can identify ways similar initiatives could be implemented in Brimbank, how it’s going to work and what result we aim to achieve

– Research organisations, stakeholders that might be interested

– Research what’s the local food system in Brimbank like:

+ The location of healthy food and fresh produce outlets including greengrocers, bakeries, butchers, supermarkets, delis;

+ Food distribution programs (e.g. fruit and veg box schemes, fresh food recovery programs, farmers’ markets, farm gates)

+ Accessibility to this food supply (public transport routes, disability access, community transport options, store opening hours, etc.)

+ Community services which may support a healthy and sustainable food system – e.g. public housing estates, community health centres, neighbourhood houses/community centres, emergency food relief services)

+ Any other community food or food sustainability initiatives that you research in your chosen area (e.g. community gardens, schools with edible gardens, food swaps, food hubs, permaculture groups, sustainability activities, programs and events, composting or food waste minimisation schemes etc.)

– Research the demographics of Brimbank that would benefit from this recommendation, ….

A similar program to what I’m aiming for is OzHarvest’s NEST: but on a much smaller scale and specific to Brimbank residents.

Additional materials include:

– reports of 2 other LGAs

– a word doc of Brimbank’s food-related events, initiatives, etc.

– The rubric for this assignment – just for your reference (you only need to pay attention to the first 2 criteria)

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