Create a PowerPoint presentation that describes Issues Related to Indirect Services.Provide detailed examples of schedules to accommodate time allocation for professional collaboration, explain areas where cultural differences may be acknowledged, and describe best practices for confidentially.

The PPT should be between 12 slides.

Create a PowerPoint presentation that describes Issues Related to Indirect Services. You will need to share your understanding of professional relationships and the interpersonal skills needed, provide detailed examples of schedules to accommodate time allocation for professional collaboration, explain areas where cultural differences may be acknowledged, and describe best practices for confidentially.

Make sure that your CONTENT takes up at least 10 of the slides.
A balance of appropriate images and text on slides
Notes in the notes section
A reference at the bottom of a slide if you quoted on it, a reference page at the end of the presentation.
An agenda page at the beginning to let the participants know what you will be discussing
Do not do a power point with all white background and only text. Use images to balance the information.

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