Find a journal article that does an applied intervention with one of these topics and explain the: theoretical framework, proposed intervention and both the results and implications of that intervention.


Organizational Consulting & Change Midterm Assignment

Assignment Instructions
For this assignment you will answer the four prompts below. There will be one prompt from each module, Module 1: Week 1 — Module 4: Week 4.
Each response must be at least 250 words (for a total of 1,000 words), and will contain multiple parts. Each response is worth 25 points.
Download this document, answer each prompt via this document, and then, submit.


A major emphasis of this book is the fact that interventions happen at different levels within an organization. The three levels include the individual, group, and organizational level. These levels must be considered when anything in an organization changes. Listed below are three of the most common areas that change:
Business Model of the Company
Value it delivers to its customers in exchange for the revenue and other resources required for the organization to prosper
Tools and methodologies that the organization applies to deliver value to the customer and to manage its own operations
Social Organization
The design of the organization’s structures, processes and subsystems to support effective performance and enhance capabilities
Pick one of these areas (i.e. a, b or c) come up with an example of a change in that area. Discuss in detail how this affects each of the levels of change and then, how you would implement the change to specifically account for each level.

Pick one of the Individual Intervention topics discussed in this module:
Executive Coaching
Emotional Intelligence
Assessing Candidates for Leadership Positions
Enhancing peak potential in managers and leaders

Find a journal article that does an applied intervention with one of these topics and explain the: theoretical framework, proposed intervention and both the results and implications of that intervention.

In Lowman: Chapters 10–12, what are the five takeaways you learned in regards to working with teams in organizations.
State the takeaway
Explain it in terms of working with a team in an applied situation

Lowman: Chapters 13–15 were specifically dealing with issues at the organizational level. Specifically, the content addressed related to assessment, evaluation and leadership development.


How might you go about applying these three steps (i.e. assessment, evaluation, and leadership development) to resolve this issue of low employee morale?

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