Based on the approval granted for the Disruptive Marketing Plan: Complete a 4,500–6,500 word paper on their ‘disruptive’ innovative new idea for this brand using the template provided.

Disruptive Marketing Plan: Final Paper Assignment Instructions

Based on the approval granted for the Disruptive Marketing Plan: Complete a 4,500–6,500 word paper on their ‘disruptive’ innovative new idea for this brand using the template provided. Ten authored references are required. You may use web sites as well, but they do not count towards the ten authored sources.

Included in your ten sources must be five (not previously used or assigned in this course) peer-reviewed Marketing journal references that are NEW to this paper. You may use your assigned readings as well, but they do not count towards your new ten academic sources.

Assignment Requirements

Adhere to current APA format and include the following:

Times New Roman 12 Font
Double-Spacing with zero point line spacing (10 point line spacing not allowed).
One Inch Margins
Cover Page and Reference Page

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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