Research (at least) 2 expressions of social media intent to identify how they meaningfully speak to a recognized health policy issue.Explain what the piece of social media is trying to convey as it uses linguistics in relation to the health policy and legislative arenas.

Healthcare Policy


Research (at least) 2 expressions of social media (i.e., memes, Tweets, YouTube, etc… videos) intent to identify how they meaningfully speak to a recognized health policy issue.

Take care to specifically explain what the piece of social media is trying to convey as it uses linguistics in relation to the health policy and legislative arenas (logical fallacies, cognitive bias, etc).

An example of this could be as follows, “Many sites offer memes that potentially speak to public/health policy issues. The meme entitled, “Brace Yourself” speaks to the current challenges associated with open enrollment for participation in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) sponsored insurance plan.

The meme invokes a character (Eddard Stark) from the HBO series, “Game of Thrones” suggesting the process of open enrollment is analogous to the character’s line of, “Brace yourself, winter is coming.” This foreboding meme demonstrates linguistic power because of how it frames ACAs open enrollment process as both onerous and potentially dangerous.”

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