Write a professional article on the ‘professional and legal aspects of confidentiality’ for Imaging and Therapy practice journal.

Write an article for Imaging and Therapy practice journal on: ‘the professional and legal aspects of confidentiality’



The coursework for the integrated radiography module is based around a case study/scenario and questions. This follows a similar format and preparation undertaken within the scenario-based learning within the module. You should therefore approach the scenario in a similar (SBL) manner.

You are required to read and analyse the following scenario and answer the questions at the end. While your answers should be based around the scenario provided, any details given are obviously limited in scope. You are actively encouraged to review the supporting materials provided on study space and research any additional information to support your arguments. You should therefore read widely, in order to underpin your answers with supporting evidence from current practice, articles, research on contemporary issues, and theoretical models and concepts, which have been covered during the integrated module. Marks will be allocated for such evidence, and references are expected as in other work using the Harvard method.


Jeremy Suet- Feline is a 45-year-old male who works as a stockbroker in the City. He is married with two children, Jocasta and Tarquin, who both board at private school.

Jeremy works long hours and has a sedentary lifestyle. To “help himself to relax” Jeremy smokes cigarettes at a rate of about 20 per day. At home, he enjoys entertaining, listening to music and watching the television. He is also a regular at the local pub, the “Whippet Inn”. In the course of the average week, Jeremy consumes 30 units of alcohol. While not acknowledging that he has a weight problem he joined in with his work colleagues when they were all working out their body mass index using an internet site, he finds he has a BMI of 35.

Jeremy attends Tarquin’s school’s sports day, with his wife, and takes part in the fathers’ two-furlong invitation handicap sack race. Jeremy collapsed in the final stages of the race complaining of shortness of breath, left sided chest pain and a pain in his leg. A St. John’s Ambulance cadet who is on duty at the sports day attends to him and an ambulance is called. Jeremy presents at the Accident and Emergency department at Karemore Besthealth Hospital, following the 999 call.

On arrival, Jeremy is fully examined and a full clinical history taken, a full blood screen requested, a 12 lead ECG performed and a chest radiograph requested. He is diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and admitted to the coronary care unit for stabilisation.

While in the coronary care unit, Jeremy is in the next bed to the man who delivers his orders from the off licence, Arty Tack. During conversation, it emerges that Arty is 48 years old and lives in the next village to Jeremy. Arty and Jeremy have very similar symptoms.

Several months later Jeremy has a delivery made by Arty. In conversation, Jeremy learns that Arty is an occasional drinker who has never smoked, has lost several stone in weight by following the diet, and had taken up cycling. It emerges that not only has Arty had the tests that Jeremy is waiting for but also the treatment, he says he is vastly improved. Jeremy is annoyed to hear this and immediately visits his GP surgery. When he is called in to the consulting room, he tackles Dr Feelbetter about the wait for his tests and treatment. He is told that his tests and treatment, angiography, angioplasty and stenting, were dependent upon lifestyle changes. Following close questioning and a physical examination, it is apparent that there has been no such change in life style. The required lifestyle changes are reinforced and Jeremy is prescribed medication and told to make a follow up appointment.

Mr Suet-Feline decides to complain to the Chief Executive of the local hospital, Karemore NHS Trust, regarding the inequality of radiology provision. In her brief reply, the Chief Executive, Mrs Edna Clouds, raises several issues.

Unhappy with the outcome Jeremy writes to his local paper, Hearsay Express, about the rights of the individual. He also investigates the option of private care. He attends a consultation with the radiologist, Flo Recent-Screen, at the local private hospital, Plushcare, a member of the Profit More chain. He is told that they would be more than happy to undertake the procedures. In addition, Dr Recent-Screen suggests a full health screen involving additional radiological examinations. Jeremy expresses his concerns about this because he has read in the newspaper that radiation can cause cancer. Dr Recent-Screen tells him not to worry. She also advises a change in lifestyle in line with the recommendations made by his GP. Though Jeremy had taken out health insurance some years earlier he learns that the cost of his care would not be covered because he had not informed the company of the subsequent change in his health. On reflection, he decides he cannot afford to pursue this option.

Some months later Jeremy returns to his GP, Dr Feelbetter, where his condition is found to be poorly controlled on medication. His weight has increased slightly. When questioned he confesses to only having made one visit to the gym and has made no reduction in his smoking or drinking. Despite some misgivings, his GP refers him to the Cardiology department at his local Hospital, St Patchup’s Hospital, for cardiac angiography.

A few days later Jeremy is in the local hostelry the ‘Whippet Inn’ when he is spotted smoking, drinking and eating a pork pie by Dee Meaner a radiographer from St Patchup’s hospital and an acquaintance of his wife. Miss Meaner tackles him in the crowded lounge bar regarding his behaviour.

“Aren’t you supposed to be having an angiogram next week, I’m sure I saw your request in the department. If you don’t buck your ideas up and change your lifestyle then they won’t do it.” Jeremy looks embarrassed, bids his companions good night and goes home.

Jeremy attends the cardiac imaging department for coronary angiography and angioplasty the following week. Again, he expresses his concerns regarding the radiation and the radiographer answers all his questions. He agrees to the procedure and following it is admitted to the coronary care unit where he remains

All institutions and characters depicted within this scenario are fictitious and there is no intention to make any factual reference or implication to any in current or previous existence. The scenario is created purely to simulate potential situations that might impact on the working lives of radiographers with the intention for radiography students to demonstrate key and critical skills in its analysis and response to questions.


The questions relate to the issues raised in the scenario. You should ensure that you approach the analysis and conclusions in your response from the perspective given; being innovative and considering some of the wider issues that might surround the facts. In constructing your responses, you should also be aware of the intended audience identified within the questions and direct the level of your answers accordingly. The questions are designed to give a focus to the sub- themes of the integrative module. However in the spirit of integration there might be some overlapping of the themes in each question

Write a professional article on the ‘professional and legal aspects of confidentiality’ for Imaging and Therapy practice journal.

The article should critically discuss why it is important to ensure that privileged patient information is only used for the benefit of the patient and kept confidential from those who do not have lawful access to it. It is designed to raise awareness amongst radiographers and to inform them of the possible effect upon their career. Maximum 1200 words

Submit each question as a separate piece of work.
All work must be word processed
Font size should be 12 point and work should be double line spaced.
Each page must have your candidate number in the top right hand corner
All pages must be centrally numbered at the bottom of each page
The Vancouver Style of referencing must be used for the Article.
Layout and presentation is imperative, attention to detail is important; marks will be lost for incorrect spelling and grammar.
All diagrams if incorporated must be adequately and correctly labelled and relevant to the assignment.
Marks will be awarded for original thought, supplementary and relevant information
State the word count as appropriate.

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