As a reflection of your comprehension of Chapter 1, 2 & 11 write 2 comprehensive summaries/paragraph per chapter (a total of 6 paragraphs/summaries) that captures 4-6 findings/concepts from each chapter that resonated or struck your interest.


Chapter 1, 2 and 11 of your e-textbook provides a thorough overview of the history, field, discipline, foundation, and study/research of psychology.

(1) As a reflection of your comprehension of Chapter 1, 2 & 11 write 2 comprehensive summaries/paragraph per chapter (a total of 6 paragraphs/summaries) that captures 4-6 findings/concepts from each chapter that resonated or struck your interest.

(2) In a concluding paragraph (7th summary/paragraph) indicate what you would like to learn more about from the contents of these chapters, and your overall reflections of these three chapters.

(3) After completing your reflection, read and respond to 2 of your classmates reflections on this Discussion Board thread/forum.

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