Discuss how the UN documents conceive of the right to an education and consider concepts such as equality vs. equity, social reproduction theory and aspirations/expectations.

Topic: Both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child list education as a fundamental human right. Discuss whether the United States has fulfilled these rights for the Hallway Hangers and the Brothers.

Paper details:

In your essay, be sure to discuss how the UN documents conceive of the right to an education and consider concepts such as equality vs. equity, social reproduction theory and aspirations/expectations.

For your essay, you will not be expected to have a title page or abstract (but you DO need to title
your essay at the top of the first page–remember to include your name).

You WILL be expected to use :

12-point type (Times New Roman or Arial), double-space your paper, have 1-inch margins, page numbers and follow other conventions of formal writing as well as APA formatting for in-text citations and references.

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