Research to create an essay explaining the use and application of contractor estimating and accounting systems.

Paper details:

Research to create an essay explaining the use and application of contractor estimating and accounting systems.

You can review the information at the website below to get a general idea of what to research. The research should be based on peer-reviewed articles located in the library. The research can include references to .gov websites but not to commercial blogs or URLs of professional organizations with sponsors.

Learning Objective: Explain a contractor’s estimating and accounting systems.

Use the following format for creation of an essay covering the topic, government cost accounting standards (see Title 48 Part 9904 – contents). Use the following format by placing 1st and 2nd level APA section titles for each section.

Research library articles to create your narrative.



Literature Review*




Future Research Recommendation

•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than two pages.

•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Supporting Materials

Starting Point for DFAR topics (click on Table of Contents)

For this week, you can also find information at the following website (FAR42.101)

For this week, you can also find information at the following website (accounting systems reference data: use embedded hyperlinks for details)

Cost accounting standards

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