Research a famous social worker or social justice activist in American history.Produce a 1-2-page handout covering the social worker’s background, accomplishments, challenges, and contributions to the field of social work.

Research a famous social worker or social justice activist in American history.

This person does not have to have a formal degree as a social worker, however, should embody the social work ethics and values in their social justice work.

Produce a 1-2-page handout covering the social worker’s background, accomplishments, challenges, and contributions to the field of social work.

Highlight how these contributions connect to the core values of social work. The handout should also include any controversy.

This could be controversy that existed back at that time and/or controversy surrounding that person today.

For example, Jane Addams is often hailed as one of the founders of social work who pushed for social change, creating one of the first settlement houses to help the poor.

However during her time, there were many who disliked her and labeled her in American as she spoke out about the atrocities of WWI.

Today, there are those who acknowledge Jane Addams failed to fight systemic racism and policies and continued segregation in her Settlement house.

This is not a paper and should be creative, visually appealing while containing the required factual information.

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