Examine one particular individual or organization of your own choosing who has famously mastered one of these “new forms of document” to gain power, popularity, and/or influence.

Read “The Social Life of Documents” in its entirety  before you begin work on your essay.

Examine one particular individual or organization of your own choosing who has famously mastered one of these “new forms of document” to gain power, popularity, and/or influence.

Examine how this particular individual or organization accessed, elevated, and exploited the “social life” of his/her/its document to develop a “robust social world” and inspire action or devotion or support.

Focus on a politician, a performer, an organization, an influencer, a celebrity, or whatever, but you need to be sure the representative example you select can provide you with ample primary evidence to support an essay that challenges, contrasts or in any other way continues the dialogue begun by Brown and Duguid.




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