Conduct a little research and determine which states have mandatory vaccination requirements and which have philosophical exemptions?

Article Review: Vaccine-Preventable Diseases Assignment

This assignment is based on the Learn item, Read: Is There a Resurgence of Vaccine Preventable Diseases in the U.S.?, in the assigned Module: Week.

Respond to the following:

• Summarize the article’s major points. There are three major points this article makes concerning Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.

• Define the following terms: vaccine compliance, vaccine completion, and under vaccination.

• Briefly discuss the reasons for the resurgence of measles, mumps, and pertussis.

• Conduct a little research and determine which states have mandatory vaccination requirements and which have philosophical exemptions?

The assignment is to be written as a paper. One source should be given to support your response in addition to citing the assigned article, which is already embedded in the course. The second source cannot be your textbook. You should use APA format, 12 font, double space, and write between 450–500 words maximum.

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