Write a one-page double spaced, 12 point font, standard margins description of both the original object/ idea and how it had an impact on the way you experience art or the visual elements of the world around you. As each object/idea requires a one-page write-up, you should submit at least two typed pages.

Words: 246
Pages: 1
Subject: Art

Writing Assignment: Reflection


In my welcome video, I told you that the material you learn in this class will change the way you see the world around you—even if the cultures we study are “ancient” and seem very remote—because modern culture is dependent on the cultures and peoples who came before us.

Over the course of the semester, we have occasionally reflected on this idea – that what we are learning together will change the way you understand the art, architecture, and social institutions in your life and experience. If you are an artist, you might further reflect on how these monuments and ideas will change your understanding of your own practice.

For this assignment, I want you to think about the material that we have covered in this class and reflect on anything that may have “opened your eyes,” so to speak, and made you better informed about the visual world. Were there any ideas or monuments presented in class that surprised you? Did something challenge you?


1. Select two objects (or groups of objects) or ideas that we discussed in this class that you found particularly interesting or “eye-opening.”

2. Write a one-page double spaced, 12 point font, standard margins description of both the original object/ idea and how it had an impact on the way you experience art or the visual elements of the world around you. As each object/idea requires a one-page write-up, you should submit at least two typed pages.

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