What problem do you want to solve? What opportunities do you see? What new product, service, etc. are you thinking about? Who may benefit from solving the problem? How will you define success? What indicators will tell you if you are successful?

Your final project is a Design Thinking project. If you are working in a group, everyone needs to submit a file, even if it is the same one.
For this assignment, you are starting the planning process for the final project. Start by watching this video:
Next, read this introduction to Design Thinking as well as the Design Thinking Project Outline.
Next, think about a problem you would like to solve or an opportunity you think could be big. For the assignment due this week, you are going to complete the first part of the project outline. It’s okay if these ideas change for your final project . And we will be learning about more tools and approaches throughout the term that will help inform your final project. So this is just a starting point. Here’s what needs to be addressed for this week:
Problem/Opportunity Identification Stage
What problem do you want to solve?
What opportunities do you see?
What new product, service, etc. are you thinking about?
Who may benefit from solving the problem?
How will you define success? What indicators will tell you if you are successful?
Project Planning Stage
Create a timeline for completing each of the stages
Final project report due at the end of Module 15
Write one question you have about the final project
Not sure about project ideas? Here are some ideas. Remember that you will be following the Design Thining process including the empathy, ideation, and prototyping phases. So while you will want to pick something challenging, you should also pick something that you can handle during the term. Ask any questions about the assignment or your project

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