Address” and consider the contemporary government along with the following questions: Were the warnings and exhortations followed in the days since Washington’s presidency? What items did Washington feel of utmost importance as he left office?

For this assignment, you will analyze the major points of George Washington’s “Farewell
Address” and consider the contemporary government along with the following questions: Were the warnings and exhortations followed in the days since Washington’s presidency? What items did Washington feel of utmost importance as he left office? Including differing points of view is preferred and encouraged.
Follow the below instructions to compose your assignment:
Length of assignment– 2–3 pages.
o Make sure to include a bibliography page if you use sources.
This assignment also includes particulars for the title page:
o Must include a title page  that contains:
A title,
Your name,
Your section ,
Your instructor’s name, and
The date the assignment is due .
o No page number is necessary for the cover page or for the first page in the body
of the paper.
Format of assignment – APA
Acceptable sources – Scholarly articles published within the last five years, the Bible,
online articles given as assignments, and any other pertinent source that helps the student answer the assignment prompt.

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