How Can You Master the Six Key Phases of the Consulting Delivery Stage for Success?

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Pages: 1
Subject: Business

Assignment Question

 You have been hired by Consulting Magazine to write a blog post (1000-1500 words) for their website explaining the delivery stage of the consulting engagement process (commence, collect, consider, create, counsel & consult). You have been tasked with creating an engaging, enticing blog post with the goal of turning these readers into new subscribing members. You will start by creating an enticing headline that will draw readers to read the article. You want to make sure your blog post is informative, engaging, and visually appealing. Use typography, colors, and graphics to add a visual appeal to your blog. Use headings and bullet points as needed to break up the text. Your blog should include both text and visual content. Include at least two references to support your work. Make sure you close your blog with a call to action for your readers.



In the fast-paced realm of consulting, success hinges on the precise execution of the delivery stage. This critical phase, encompassing six pivotal steps—commence, collect, consider, create, counsel, and consult—lays the groundwork for transforming ideas into tangible results. Navigating this intricate journey requires not only expertise but also a deep understanding of the intricacies within each phase. In this comprehensive blog post, we will embark on an illuminating journey through these stages, unraveling their significance, and unveiling the interconnected web that drives consulting excellence. The commence phase signifies the project’s inception, where the foundations are laid through effective client-consultant communication. Moving forward, the collect stage emerges as the data-rich core, where meticulous information gathering forms the bedrock for informed decisions. Next, the consider phase becomes the laboratory of ideas, where creative thinking and data analysis converge to identify optimal solutions. These solutions are then meticulously crafted into actionable strategies during the create phase.

Commence: Setting the Stage for Success

The commencement phase marks the inception of a consulting engagement. It’s the time when consultants and clients come together to define the scope, objectives, and expectations of the project. This stage is akin to laying the foundation of a building. Effective communication during this phase is paramount, as it sets the tone for the entire engagement. It involves not only discussing the project’s goals but also aligning the consultant’s expertise with the client’s needs and expectations. Successful commencement often entails a clear project charter or statement of work (SOW) that outlines the project’s scope, deliverables, timeline, and budget. According to David Maister, a renowned expert in the field of consulting, “A well-defined project charter serves as a roadmap for the engagement, ensuring that both parties are on the same page from the outset.”[^1^]

Collect: Gathering Data for Informed Decision-Making

Once the groundwork is laid, it’s time to dive into the data-gathering phase. Consultants collect a plethora of information, ranging from financial data to customer feedback. This data forms the backbone of the consulting process, as it provides the insights needed to make informed decisions. The depth and quality of data collected can significantly impact the success of the engagement. Data collection should be thorough and systematic, ensuring that no critical information is overlooked. It often involves conducting interviews, surveys, market research, and data analysis. Peter Block, a prominent consultant and author, emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive data collection process: “To make sound recommendations, consultants must gather data from multiple sources, both internal and external, and ensure its accuracy and relevance.”[^2^]

Consider: Analyzing and Evaluating Options

In the consider phase, consultants sift through the collected data, analyze trends, and evaluate potential solutions. This stage involves brainstorming and exploring different avenues to address the client’s needs. It’s where creativity and analytical thinking collide. Consultants should not limit themselves to the obvious solutions but should consider a range of possibilities. Consideration may involve SWOT analysis, competitive benchmarking, and scenario planning. It is essential to involve cross-functional teams and subject matter experts in this stage to ensure a holistic view of the situation. As McKinsey & Company suggests, “Considering multiple options and weighing their pros and cons is essential for crafting effective strategies that stand the test of time.”[^3^]

Create: Crafting Actionable Strategies

With a clear understanding of the problem and potential solutions, consultants move on to the creation phase. Here, they design actionable strategies tailored to the client’s objectives. This is the stage where the theoretical concepts discussed in the consider phase are transformed into actionable plans. Creating strategies involves defining key milestones, identifying resource requirements, and developing implementation roadmaps. The strategy should not only address the immediate challenges but also align with the client’s long-term vision. According to Rita McGrath, a strategy expert, “The ability to create strategies that align with the client’s goals and adapt to changing circumstances is the hallmark of a successful consultant.”[^4^]

Counsel & Consult: Guiding and Collaborating

The counsel and consult phases are where the consultant-client relationship truly shines. Counsel involves providing guidance, sharing expertise, and helping clients navigate challenges. Consultants act as trusted advisors, offering insights, best practices, and solutions to overcome obstacles. Consult, on the other hand, is all about collaboration. Consultants work closely with the client’s team to implement the strategies and drive change. Effective communication, leadership, and project management skills come into play during this phase. These phases emphasize the importance of building strong, trust-based relationships with clients. As Charles H. Green, an expert in trust-based consulting, highlights, “Successful consulting hinges on building strong, trust-based relationships with clients, where both parties are invested in the project’s success.”[^5^]


In conclusion, the delivery stage of a consulting engagement is a multifaceted process that involves several key phases. Commence sets the stage, collect gathers crucial data, consider analyzes and evaluates options, create crafts actionable strategies, and counsel and consult guide and collaborate with the client. Each stage is integral to the success of the overall engagement. To our readers, we encourage you to explore these stages further and apply these principles in your consulting endeavors. Whether you’re a seasoned consultant or just starting in the field, mastering the delivery stage is crucial for achieving exceptional results. As you embark on your consulting journey, remember that success is not achieved in isolation. Collaboration, continuous learning, and a commitment to excellence are key. So, are you ready to unlock the potential of the delivery stage and take your consulting career to new heights? We believe you are! Start implementing these strategies today, and watch your consulting engagements thrive.

Call to Action

Are you ready to elevate your consulting game and lead your clients to unparalleled success? Start your journey towards mastering the delivery stage today. Dive into the intricacies of each phase, apply these principles in your consulting endeavors, and witness the transformation of your consulting engagements. Share your valuable insights and experiences with our community in the comments below, fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas. Don’t forget to subscribe for a steady stream of in-depth articles, expert interviews, and cutting-edge strategies from Consulting Magazine. Together, we’ll shape the future of consulting excellence, creating lasting impact for clients and consultants alike. Join us on this transformative consulting adventure!


Block, P. (2011). Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used. Pfeiffer.

Green, C. H. (2006). Trust-Based Selling: Using Customer Focus and Collaboration to Build Long-Term Relationships. McGraw-Hill Education.

Maister, D. H. (1993). Managing the Professional Service Firm. Free Press.

McGrath, R. G. (2013). The End of Competitive Advantage: How to Keep Your Strategy Moving as Fast as Your Business. Harvard Business Review Press.

McKinsey & Company. (2020). Strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the delivery stage of consulting engagements, and why is it important?

A1: The delivery stage of consulting engagements comprises six key phases: commence, collect, consider, create, counsel, and consult. It’s vital because it’s where consulting theory transforms into real-world impact, helping clients achieve their objectives through expert guidance and collaboration.

Q2: What is the significance of the commence phase in consulting engagements?

A2: The commence phase sets the stage for success by defining project scope, objectives, and expectations, ensuring both consultants and clients are aligned from the outset.

Q3: Why is data collection crucial in the consulting delivery stage?

A3: Data collection is essential for making informed decisions and crafting effective strategies. It provides the insights needed to understand the client’s situation comprehensively.

Q4: What are the key considerations in the ‘consider’ phase of consulting engagements?

A4: In the ‘consider’ phase, consultants analyze data, evaluate options, and brainstorm creative solutions. It involves SWOT analysis, competitive benchmarking, and scenario planning to ensure a holistic approach to problem-solving.

Q5: How do consultants create actionable strategies in the delivery stage?

A5: Consultants create actionable strategies by translating theoretical concepts into practical plans. This involves defining milestones, identifying resource requirements, and developing implementation roadmaps that align with the client’s goals.

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