Does the desire to preserve these icons become a form of worship? If so, is worshiping works of art not the same as worshiping what they represent?Discuss


Students will write a five (5) page paper, including a bibliography, investigating the history of Iconoclasm, including the current destruction of religious and historic artworks by Islamic fundamentalist groups. According to Mark Getlein, writing the 10th edition of Living with Art, “Images have played an important role in almost every religion in the world.” Through the ages much of the world’s religious art has been transferred from places of religion to museums and are now looked upon as cultural and historical icons. Does the desire to preserve these icons become a form of worship? If so, is worshiping works of art not the same as worshiping what they represent? That is the iconoclastic point of view.

Through well-reasoned, logical supported conclusions, students will demonstrate how communities—regional, national, and global—can effectively respond in a socially responsible manner to both religious needs and the preservation of our historical culture.

Papers should be written following the MLA format and guidelines. Papers should be five (5) pages, including a bibliography page. Each page should be numbered and double-spaced with the font no larger than 12. I do not require a cover page, however page 1 should include the following header in the upper left corner:

ARTS 1303 Art History Survey I / Section 793


*It does not state how many sources to use, so I just put 3. Not sure how many is a good #!

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