What skills do social workers need for positive communication and engagement with service users and other professionals? Support your discussion with credible literature. 

Critically reflect upon the values you’ll take with you on your first placement ( for me- organizational skills, empathy, acceptance, non- judgemental attitude, controlled emotional involvement …) how far do they align with social work values for effective interpersonal practice ?

2. What skills do social workers need for positive communication and engagement with service users and other professionals? Support your discussion with credible literature.

3. Reflect upon what you learnt about your own strengths( my strength are good communication skills, use of self , empathy, active listening..)and areas to develop ( greater use of reflecting back the content and feelings that you think you are hearing, develop my use of silence further to enable the speaker / client to process their thoughts and reflect in the space afforded ) from your engagement with the skills practice in workshops. You could use one of the many reflective models. Example- Gibbs reflective cycle ( 1988)

4. What has been helpful in assisting you to develop your skills, values base and self / use of self …

Focus on the learning outcome 2(LO2)- recognize the importance of the USE OF SELF in social work.

2. Focus on the learning outcome 3(LO3) – critically explore the complex interplay of variables that shape interpersonal interactions in practice.

NOTE- make sure you meet the required learning outcome.

3. Provide a very brief introduction that demonstrate  your awareness of and intention to meet the required (LO) in your own words. First person can be used for a reflection. Provide a conclusion that does not repeat the content or introduce anything new but draws together the key points.

4. Use Bloom’s Taxonomy ( Bloom 1964) as a framework for thorough  reflection

Using Hatton and Smith (1995), the four levels in the development of reflction.

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