After completing the reading for week one concerning Durkheim and Merton,analyze in detail the basic tenets of the functionalist perspective, and compare this to at least one other perspective in sociology.


Durkheim and Merton

Essays must be at least 4 pages (not including title page and abstract – abstract not necessary), and double-spaced. Essays must be in APA format and sources must be properly cited.

APA resources are available in our online library and Purdue OWL.

Questions (choose one):

1. After completing the reading for week one concerning Durkheim and Merton,  address the following in a brief essay:

1) analyze in detail the basic tenets of the functionalist perspective, and compare this to at least one other perspective in sociology;

2) although Durkheim and Merton did not write during the same era in sociology, explain where their ideas are similar, and both contribute to a functionalist understanding of society; and

3) utilizing and citing one recent case in the media through television or radio broadcast, newspaper, and so forth, provide one key example of a social issue that shows how the functionalist perspective can be used to make society better.

General requirements:

• Submissions should be typed, double-spaced, 1″ margins, times new roman 12 pt font.

• Use APA format for citations and references

• Disclaimer- Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

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