Define sales promotion.Give three examples of sales promotion and describe each,which sales promotion technique do you think is most effective?Discuss

Advertising and Promotion Management

Advertising – 100 points
Advertising is an important function of a firm and has the potential to contribute to brand equity and the financial success of firms. Also, advertising has different purposes depending on the goal of the firm. Using what we have discussed in class, answer the following questions in your own words, citing examples where necessary:

1) define advertising as described in the book and as described in class,

2) as described in class and in the book, what are the purposes of advertising,

3) what type(s) of advertising would you use for a mature product, cite specific examples, and

4) what type(s) of advertising would you use for a new product, cite specific examples. Answers should also be grammatically correct. Your answer should be at least 750 words.

Advertising and Happiness – 50 points

There is some speculation that advertising contributes to the happiness of individuals, while others speculate that advertising creates unnecessary needs. Please take a side (for or against) in explaining the impact of advertising on happiness of individuals. Use your own words and do your own work. Answers should also be grammatically correct. Your answer should be at least 250 words.

Sales promotion – 50 points

As we discussed in class, sales promotion is a valid and important component of advertising. As such, answer the following questions in your own words, citing examples where necessary:

1) define sales promotion as we discussed in class,

2) Give three examples of sales promotion and describe each, and

3) which sales promotion technique do you think is most effective? Answers should also be grammatically correct. Your answer should be at least 250 words.

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