Write a 6 page paper using references, sources about the many things, skills and having the experience of training teaches a dancer in training.What does a person experience when learning a specific dance technique for 15 years?Explain

What does learning a craft like dance do to the dancer in training


Write a 6 page paper using references, sources about the many things, skills and having the experience of training teaches a dancer in training. Focus a lot on articulating what is learned from being trained for 15 years. Include how learning begins to inform, enhance the dancer in training. What does learning inspire, evoke, discipline, etc. How did the process of learning and learning in general effect, change, elevate a dancer in training.

1.What does a training dancer/student learn when learning African dances?

2.What does a person experience when learning a specific dance technique for 15 years?

3. What might begin to happen to that dancer? How do they begin to grow and progress?

4. What will eventually become the learned behavior, etiquette of the dancer in training?

5.What are the type of skills, life skills, and discipline that a training dancer will learn after training with notable master dance instructors?

6. When it comes to specific ethnic dances, music and culture that a dance student is not native of or familiar with, what is the learning process like? How could learn be achieved? What does it take besides just practice?

7. What is Dance Africa at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in Brooklyn New York?

8. Who is Chuck Davis?

What did he accomplish? Find sources, references

9. Why is Chuck Davis significant to Dance in America? African dance and diaspora dance in New York?

10. How did Chuck Davis influence black people, all people in regards to dance and cultural, artistic exchange?

11. Why is Dance Africa at BAM important to the dance and music community in New York?

In this 6 page paper, answer of the questions but also please put a lot of focus on what and how a dancer learns, and what is the take away, the progress, the inevitable skill set, after spending so much time learning from master dance instructors.

Does the dancer in training learn how to teach dance? Learn how to choreograph? Learn how to conduct rehearsals? Becoming a teaching assistance? Do they learn the dances well enough to perform on a professional level? Please research and be specific. Use examples from the research

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