Who is most to blame for the events of the Salem Witchcraft trials as portrayed in The Crucible? Identify the character you believe was most influential in causing the fates of people like John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, and Martha Corey as they occurred in ACT FOUR of The Crucible.Explain

Who is most to blame for the events of the Salem Witchcraft trials as portrayed in The Crucible? Identify the character you believe was most influential in causing the fates of people like John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, and Martha Corey as they occurred in ACT FOUR of The Crucible.

1. John Proctor

​​2. Abigail Williams

​​ 3. Reverend Parris

4. Mary Warren

​5. Reverend Hale

​​6. The Puritan Religion

First Paragraph:

1. Begin with your topic statement which
a. identifies your choice (which character is most responsible for the result?) and
b. includes a references that show you read and understand the ending.
ex: “_____________ (character) was most responsible for _____________in Act IV of The Crucible.”

2. Complete your first paragraph by briefly outlining two reasons for your choice.

Body Paragraphs:

Support each reason with a full paragraph which includes a plot events and summary character quotes from the story, focusing on ACT IV. Your examples must be as specific as possible and show you read and understood the play. Be sure to explain how your examples relate to one another and how they support your main idea.

***Your support may reference events in ACTS I-III, but you must include at least one specific reference to ACT IV.***

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