Did you learn something from the speech and did it maintain your attention? Why or why not?Explain

Topic: Informative Speech Evaluation

Paper details:

Consider the following questions pertaining to the Ted Talk speech you watched. Write a 300- to 500-word analysis (1½ to 2 pages).

Be sure to reference (in a bibliography using APA format) the speech you watched and answer the questions thoroughly.


How does the speaker open the speech? What works well in his or her introduction?

How is the speech organized? Does it flow smoothly?

How does the speaker particularly address a certain audience?

What are the main points and are they clear?

Which facts, quotes, statistics, expert opinions, or narratives does the speaker include?

How does the speech end?

Is the speech effective? Why or why not?

Did you learn something from the speech and did it maintain your attention? Why or why not?

Ted Talk Link:

12 Informative TED Talks You Should See From 2013

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