Is Development sustainable under Occupation?

The aim of the dissertation is to examine whether or not sustainable development is feasible in the West Bank and Gaza under the Israeli Occupation.
The main objectives are the following:
Review and analyses the political context in which the analysis is taking place.
Reveal essential parameters and goals that promote sustainable development.
Explore the opportunities and the challenges to achieving sustainable development.
Look into the effectiveness and the efficiency of the Palestinian business environment and its rapport with sustainable development.
The dissertation will investigate sustainable development in the West Bank and Gaza, under Israeli occupation. It will look into the concept that refers to the transition from unviable development under occupation to development for endurance and survival of Palestinian people.
The study will examine a number of parameters and goals that promote sustainable development identified by the Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG) in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). It will include, but not limited to, the following goals : promote economic growth and gender equality, building sustainable cities and communities, alleviate poverty, increase the quality of Education and building of effective institutions, increasing transparency, social justice and rule of law to assure equal opportunities and access to development.

The paper will explore the opportunities and the challenges in achieving sustainable development. It will look into the trade-offs of adopting a well thought development strategy in the West Bank and Gaza. Furthermore, it will pore over how sustainable development goals identified by the United Nations in 2015 harmonize in the West Bank and Gaza environment and more specifically how they integrate into the Palestinian business environment. It will stress the importance of the interaction between economic and social development. Additionally, it will look into the effectiveness, efficiency and the overall impact of the business environment and its respective correlation with sustainable development. The paper will shed light on the importance of political action on development work, the distribution of roles between the public sector, the private sector, the institutions of the National Authority and civil institutions, as well as on the expansion of the participation in the implementation of the development decision and the monitoring of its implementation.

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