How does media technology affect culture and society today? How has media technology influenced older forms of communication? What are the differences between advertising and propaganda? Differentiate between advertising strategy and promotion strategy.

Communication and Information Management Assignment Assignment Content NOTE: Provide short answers of 100 to 200 words for each of the following questions: What seven trends characterize modern mass media? Explain which trend has the greatest effect on society today. How do the functional and critical and cultural approaches to mass communications affect advertising decisions? How […]

Think about a organisational task that needs your attention, then produce a briefing document no longer than 5 pages that is clearly laid out and is well presented with diagrams and key points called out.What is the organisations current purpose and how will this shift?

Personal project challenge Change is the only constant. Take an existing organisation and write the brief that enables it to pivot. In the commercial world being able to explain your thinking in simple communications is critical to growth, attraction of clients and survival in an ever changing business environment. You are required to find an […]

Write a 2-page research paper about the 50s and remember to include at least 2 references.

The 50s were a major stepping stone in the advertising world, with WWII still fresh in the memory of the people, society was hopeful, cheerful and very enthusiastic for the future. Research the 1950s. What elements were mostly used (color, styles, typography)? Where did companies advertised the most? What products or services? Look at the […]

Think about your experiences with salespeople, and write down five things salespeople have done to build trust and five things salespeople have done that have damaged trust. As a salesperson, how can you show appreciation after a sale?

Below are the questions that need to be answered. Please answer them with the number then the answer to that specific question. 1. How do salespeople contribute to our society? Are there negative aspects of personal selling from a societal perspective? Expound upon your answer to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding. 2. Loexposure Outerware Case […]

What do you want your customers to do when they read, see or hear the advertisement?Explain

Assignment information: Your mission is to create an advertisement for a product or service. The product or service needs to have a connection to education and learning. The focus should be on making student life and the educational journey more efficient and productive. This could be an advertisement for an already existing product/service or for […]

Use a brand essence model to discuss and think about characteristics, visual ideas and expression of your brand essence.

Description Writing a pitch brief for your skills Being able to express a challenge simply is at the heart of an effective, creative process. In a few weeks we will be creating teams. The result of this work will help you pitch yourself to the rest of the class. The task How to sum up […]

Do TV commercial for University Communication Faculty. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the commercial film complies with the legal regulations regarding the advertisements of the education sector.

Do TV commercial for University Communication Faculty. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the commercial film complies with the legal regulations regarding the advertisements of the education sector. Use your knowledge to learn during course Research bibliography Chooses one title Be brave, be creative. Write detailed idea Write […]

What advertising appeals are used to encourage consumers to seek out the product/service for purchase?Expla

Instructions Examining retailers’ current broadcast media advertising will help you to identify effective and ineffective advertising. For this assignment watch four television commercials and answer the following questions for each commercial: What product or service is the television commercial trying to sell (provide brand/product name, product benefits, and brief description of the commercial)? Who is the target […]

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