Summarize the key findings of your news article. Be careful to include the article title and author along with in-text citations for any quoted or paraphrased content.

 Internet of Things This assignment is a memo letter but that option is not available. The assignment is to write a memo about a new advancement or discovery in your field. Memo format Subject Line/ Header 1st paragraph – Summary Provide a clear, concise overview of the report. 2nd paragraph – Background Provide relevant background […]

Write the following with powers of 10: 70 K, 100 E, 21 G.Write the following with powers of 2: 7 Mi, 6 Ei, 24 Ki.

Electrical Engineering Number Representation 1. Unsigned Integers If we have an n-digit unsigned numeral dn-1dn-2…d0 in radix r, then the value of that numeral is , which is basically saying that instead of a 10’s or 100’s place we have an r’s or r 2 ’s place. For binary, decimal, and hex r equals 2, […]

Develop and submit a State Of Art report on ”Metamorphic Robot Devices – Principles, Kinematics and Topology Modelling Background and Applications”.

Metamorphic Robot Devices – Principles, Kinematics and Topology Modelling Background and Applications Develop and submit a State Of Art report on ”Metamorphic Robot Devices – Principles, Kinematics and Topology Modelling Background and Applications”.

Name, address, age, religion, political beliefs, place of birth, pets, hobbies, number of children, type of car they drive, or any other information you think you can obtain. Write your findings in either a list or in paragraph form.

Conduct your own social engineering experiments. 1) While at a restaurant, convenience store, bank, place of business, or any shopping location, ask you waiter or waitress, bartender, server, sales clerk, or cashier personal questions about their family or their interests.How much information are you able to obtain about this person you do not know? Name, […]

Compute the spot size on the moon of an Earth based collimated Gaussian shaped beam whose wavelength is 0.8um and whose spot size equals 8mm.How long will the beam take to make the round trip?

FIber Optic Please show your work clearly in PDF file. Compute the spot size on the moon of an Earth based collimated Gaussian shaped beam whose wavelength is 0.8um and whose spot size equals 8mm.How long will the beam take to make the round trip? 1 mile = 1609m. D=238,900 miles

Analyze is shown in the image. This linkage has an actuator at point A that needs to apply a couple at point B of up to 2.5 Nm.

Robot Mechanism: Part A, Baseline Mechanism You are on a design team working on a robotic mechanism and have been assigned the analysis of part of the mechanism. The part for you to analyze is shown in the image. This linkage has an actuator at point A that needs to apply a couple at point […]

Review the resources for this week, and reflect on how healthcare administration leaders must exercise decision making under conditions of uncertainty.

DDHA 8800 WU Decision Making Under Uncertainty Biotechnical Engineering Case Study As you have examined this week, healthcare administration leaders are expected to exercise decision making under conditions of uncertainty. Perhaps more so than any other business, healthcare administration leaders face multiple challenges since ineffective business practices might not result in poor performance with their […]

Research about the fourth industrial revolution in the food manufacturing industry, and how the industry 4.0 technologies can be used to increase efficiency increase productivity, and profits, reduce waste, plus other advantages.

 Industry 4.0 applications in the food industry Use scientific literatures/journals and peer-reviewed articles as much as possible and reference appropriately. Google scholar can be used for the research. References can be more than 40 sources. Research about the fourth industrial revolution in the food manufacturing industry, and how the industry 4.0 technologies can be used […]

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