Prepare an exploration of a pericope of your choosing from the Gospel of Mark, highlighting for a particular audience how Mark’s unique presentation of Jesus Christ will impact missional living and thinking in that context.

Gospels Book Study: Mark Answer the three questions – Each questions 2 pages (1) Self-evaluation of whole-course, (2) Missional implications of whole-course, and (3) exploration of a pericope of your choosing from the Gospel of Mark, highlighting for a particular audience how Mark’s unique presentation of Jesus Christ will impact missional living and thinking in […]

Read carefully, and making specific reference to the text, come discuss one or more of the following:What can we learn about science in the Abbasid era?What elements of the story appear Islamic, and what elements un-Islamic? What lessons is the story trying to convey?

Arabian Nights and the tales of Duban The 1001 Arabian Nights is a collection of folk tales, heavily influenced by Indian and Persian literature that first appeared in Arabic in the early 700s, and gradually coalesced over the following centuries. The environment is of the Abbasid caliphate of Harun al-Rashid, and the caliph and his […]

Explore one religious life-cycle ritual as expressed in two different religions studied in the first half of this course: Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, or a specific Indigenous Religion.

World Religion-two different religions-one life cycle ritual Description Summary: Most religions have “rites of passage” or “life-cycle rituals” associated with the various stages in the human life. These rituals are most commonly associated with birth, adolescence, adulthood, marriage, and death (or some variation of these). For this essay, explore one religious life-cycle ritual as expressed […]

After watching all videos and reading all chapters from Grudem and Horton, Write a brief, 3-page paper covering the major aspects of the statement on the doctrine of salvation, including the major categories studied this week.

Doctrine of salvation After watching all videos and reading all chapters from Grudem and Horton, Write a brief, 3-page paper covering the major aspects of the statement on the doctrine of salvation, including the major categories studied this week. This is a statement of your own personal convictions but should be supported by biblical references.

Prepare a Paper describing Augustine’s viewpoint on faith and reason. Start with a brief background on Augustine, his writings and beliefs. His conversion and then how he inteprets faith and reasoning. Personal reflection at the end to agree or disagree.

Prepare a Paper describing Augustine’s viewpoint on faith and reason. Start with a brief background on Augustine, his writings and beliefs. His conversion and then how he inteprets faith and reasoning. Personal reflection at the end to agree or disagree. Must use New Catholic Encyclopedia through Gale, cannot use One primary source, one secondary […]

Prepare a 500-650 word report, include an initial reflection on the subject and a question you have after reading the chapter.

Book to use is:- God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World Subject:- Confucianism 500-650 word reports include an initial reflection on the subject and a question you have after reading the chapter. There are no outside sources necessary. This assignment is based solely on Prothero. It is structured like this: […]

If God knows everything that’s going to happen, has the power to prevent human suffering, and wants only good things for us, why does suffering happen anyway? Theodicy is the attempt to reconcile these divine characteristics with the existence of evil in this world. What is Augustine’s theodicy? Do you think he is able to resolve the Problem of Evil?Explain

Description When citing Augustine’s Confessions, you should give both the book number and the chapter number. There are no line numbers to worry about. The chapter numbers are the bold numbers at the start of most paragraphs. Since the edition we are using has Roman numerals for book numbers, we will use Roman numerals, too. […]

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