Is Dante saying something more profound or spiritual on a symbolic level than he appears to be saying on a literal level? What symbols does he use to create that deeper meaning?

Further Instructions for Topic 2: The purpose of this essay is to develop an original, close, and in-depth analysis of the text. Therefore, start by rereading Canto 1 very carefully. In developing your essay, address ONLY Canto 1 of Dante’s “Inferno.” Develop a clear thesis (argument) about the way you interpret the theme and the […]

Whose theories were the most outrageous, influential and mind blowing: Mies van der Rohe, R. Buckminster Fuller or John Cage?

Chapter 4 (Chapter 35), The Quest for Meaning 1)Regarding Sartre’s “Existentialism”, in your own words, explain “existence precedes essence” and “existential anguish.” 2)In Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, what aspect of “the absurd” are communicated in this reading? 3) In Thomas’ Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, how does Thomas use the imagery of […]

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