What are some of the technologies (data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc.) we can use to distill down the information to what we need and has value for our work in the public sector?

Information Overload.  Summarize current research data how we are bombarded with information as individuals (family and home lives, shopping, social media, news, gaming, etc.) as well as in our work in government organizations every day. What some of the consequences of information and sensory overload? What are some of the technologies (data analytics, artificial intelligence, […]

To what extent is competitive intelligence and ethical standards relevant to your analysis and solution(s)?

Paper Title Heading: Formulating Strategic Management Decisions This final project is based on the following Harvard Business case study: Khachatryan, D. (2014). Amarcord Incorporated: Combating money laundering using data analytics. Harvard Business Case Study. Retrieved from https://hbsp.harvard.edu/tu/54c35ef0 Assume your client accepted your urgent business proposal to design a data-driven approach to effectively accomplish the goal […]

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