Explain the rise of Charlemagne starting with his family’s rise to power Second, discuss the impact of/during his rule, successes and failures of his reign and the aftermath of his rule, including what happened to his vast empire.

Europe in M  In the first centuries since the coming of “the Barbarians” out of central Europe, it appeared that the previous understanding of stability and “nation-state” had been eradicated. Yet, by the 600-700 period, a few strong, former, tribes had gained control of old Gaul, the Iberian peninsula and the island of Albion. Still, […]

What does Coetzee’s use of the passive voice, what he refers to as the agentless sentence, contribute to our understanding of Waiting for the Barbarians?Explain

In the opening paragraph of Waiting for the Barbarians, Coetzee hints at a relation between the Magistrate and Colonel through the symbolic reflection that the Magistrate sees of himself in Colonel Joll’s sunglasses. Later, when the Magistrate is with the “barbarian girl,” he again sees his reflection in her eyes. What do you think is […]

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