How might an organization benefit from failure? Should organization members actually be encouraged to “fail?” What are some tools and methods organizations use to share knowledge both internally and externally?

Summarize three scholarly articles about learning organizations and use the information in the articles to describe different aspects of learning organizations.Like people, healthy organizations “learn.” An organization becomes a “learning organization” when it develops processes, systems, and human resources that are capable of sharing knowledge, continuously innovating, and benefitting from mistakes and failures as well […]

What challenged you in this assignment and/or where do you need additional support from your instructor? Be specific and answer in a short paragraph of at least three sentences.

How can the business community join efforts to defend rights of employees and address the problems of workplace discrimination. Write a research paper using evidence to support a argument that addresses your research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. Reflection Questions The reflection […]

Do you believe businesses only care about profit or do you believe they care about stakeholders? Justify your arguments with examples.

Discussion: Social Issues and the Role of Business Description In your initial discussion post, respond to the following: 1) What do you think are the two most important issues that we face as a society and why? 2) What are some ways that the business community might be able to help solve those two critical […]

Analyze the need(s), and/or opportunity(ies) and/or problem(s) starting a scrub clothing line?

Jenna Scrub Line- Need, Opportunity, Problem Analysis Analyze the need(s), and/or opportunity(ies) and/or problem(s) starting a scrub clothing line? Needs consist of community needs that the business community has not yet addressed. Opportunities consist of benefits to yourself resulting from your business activities. Problems consist of situations you must overcome to achieve your business goals.

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