Select a standardized test for your Clarksville program.Submit 2–3 pages in which you: Summarize the standardized test you selected from the Walden University Library.

Standardized measure or test is administered and scored in a consistent—or “standard”—manner. The test is designed in such a way that the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations demonstrate consistency and are administered and scored in a predetermined, uniform manner. Standardized tests are “normed,” which means that they have been tested with the […]

Submit a 2–3 page group research design method for your Clarksville program in which you: Describe a group research design method applicable to planning your outcome evaluation.

Group research designs are often used when examining outcomes. Group research designs allow you to determine whether a program is making a difference in a client’s behavior or if an outside factor is the cause. Group research designs are better at determining causality—the reason for an observed change in a client. Common group research designs […]

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