Show a systematic knowledge of pathophysiology of the presenting condition and how it links to the clinical presentation

Assessment – criteria* The assignment will be marked using the level 6 criteria for academic and non-competency based assignments in the Dip/BSc/BSc (hons) Health care Practice Student Handbook and also in accordance with the following module specific criteria. Critically applies understanding of the medico-legal and ethical issues to the case scenario and demonstrates how it […]

Provide in-depth knowledge of frequently encountered Special Needs conditions allowing for understanding to facilitate educating the patient about lifestyle modification for management of their special needs condition

Objective: Provide in-depth knowledge of frequently encountered Special Needs conditions allowing for understanding to facilitate educating the patient about lifestyle modification for management of their special needs condition 1. Definition of condition/s 2. Etiology of condition/s 3. Health History 4. Clinical Etiology Manifestations of the condition/s 5. Oral Manifestations of the condition/s as compared to […]

Discuss the clinical signs and symptoms of traumatic brain injury.

Review the Case Study: Donna from Chapter 14 in your textbook. Specifically, focus on how Donna experienced a traumatic brain injury as a result of being hit by a drunk driver while riding her bicycle. Assume that following the injury, Donna requested a neuropsychological evaluation as part of a court case to seek damages for […]

Describe a clinical situation which has taught you something, made you understand your practice, change your practice or was particularly demanding. 

Description: The student will write a paper describing a clinical situation which has taught you something, made you understand your practice, change your practice or was particularly demanding.  It should be an “Ah ha” moment. What did you take away from that moment? The situation may be one that went particularly well or not well. In […]

Explain the pathogenesis causing the clinical manifestations with which Mrs Brown presented

Mrs Brown, a 78 year-old female, was admitted to the Emergency Department at 6am after waking up with severe breathlessness. Her family informed you that the patient has a history of heart failure that had been diagnosed two years ago. On admission to the Emergency Department the clinical manifestations were: Severe dyspnoea Respiratory rate of […]

Choose one clinical situation that you encountered in clinical. In your own words, briefly describe the situation.

Instructions: Create a Word document that contains student name, date, and clinical placement. Address the three domains below, using the prompts. Label each section clearly. Since this is your personal account, first person narrative may be used. Double-space your work and proofread for errors. Cognitive Learning (2 point) Identify at least two skills or concepts […]

Differentiate between normal and abnormalassessment findings

1)Perform assessments of individuals throughout the lifespan and include spiritual, social, cultural, psychological and physical components. 2) Differentiate between normal and abnormalassessment findings. 3) Analyze data to determine risk potential for individuals 4) Synthesize assessment findings using the Digital Clinical Experience (DCE) and in written format using standardized terminology. 5) Demonstrate effective communication with individuals, […]

Identify at least two skills or concepts that were learned or reinforced in clinical.

Instructions: Create a Word document that contains student name, date, and clinical placement. Address the three domains below, using the prompts. Label each section clearly. Since this is your personal account, first person narrative may be used. Double-space your work and proofread for errors. Cognitive Learning (2 point) Identify at least two skills or concepts […]

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