Did you find any examples of green washing? Which type of green washing? Was the data/information presented in the report valid and reasonable? Any misleading or specious data?

Final Paper PAPER INTRODUCTION This final paper is in place of a final exam for this class. It is an individual assignment. Follow the link https://about.nike.com/en/newsroom/reports/fy22-nike-inc-impact-report to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report of an American Fortune 500 company. Your assignment is to read all the sections that focus on various aspects of the company’s […]

Why do you think Billy Beane goes against traditional and conventional norms in order to recruit the best players?

Money Ball Review You are to watch the movie Moneyball and answer the following questions. You can earn up to 10 points. This paper must must be double spaced, title page, Indentation in every paragraph, the proper amount of space in between paragraphs (APA style). Must be a minimum of 500 words and answer all […]

Speak about the applicant’s great clinical work ethic, passion, and compassionate care for her patients and families as a NEW graduate Labor and Delivery nurse.

Letter of Reference/ recommendation Write a letter of recommendation/ reference. The letter will be from me, her Nurse Supervisor on a Labor and Delivery Unit. The letter of reference is for a Doctorate of Nursing practice degree application. In the letter e speak about the applicant’s great clinical work ethic, passion, and compassionate care for […]

Write a two page reflection paper on the video.The paper should contain a reflection  of the video and 2 significant points of impact on them .

https://blackboard.indianatech.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-3130411-dt-content-rid-42537481_1/xid-42537481_1 Students are to watch the instructor selected short video clip and write a two page reflection paper on the video. The paper should contain a reflection  of the video and 2 significant points of impact on them . Student are to write a no more than 2 page reflection and discussion of the points […]

Where is gender more salient? Less? How so? And why do you think that is? How does this shape your experiences?

Higher education as a gendered institution.Sociology We’ve introduced the idea that education is a gendered institution governed by norms and policies and that the salience of gender often ebbs and flows across different contexts, activities, and spaces. Consider the particular organization in which you are now embedded: college. Brainstorm the ways in which your college […]

Provide an in-depth analysis of securing and maintaining a network server operating system in a 5-6 page APA-formatted paper.

In today’s world of constant change in technology, we must ensure that we are always up to date with the latest operating systems. Research and determine the best solution for a medium-sized business with 500 employees. This is a new company, and you need to determine if Windows, Linux, or another type of operating system […]

What is the importance of employee involvement in process of continuous improvement to be successful in manufacturing companies?

MGT425-Spreadsheet Decision Modeling Assignment Questions: (Marks- 15) Read the above case study and answer the following Questions: Discuss the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that can assist decision-makers and continuous improvement managers. What is the importance of employee involvement in process of continuous improvement to be successful in manufacturing companies? Explain the purpose of this study […]

Draw on relevant theory, and use Johnson & Scholes ”cultural web” Draw on relevant theory, and use Johnson & Scholes ”cultural web” to comprehensively and critically discuss the prevailing culture at your employer organization or an organization that you are familiar with.

Draw on relevant theory, and use Johnson & Scholes ”cultural web” Draw on relevant theory, and use Johnson & Scholes ”cultural web” to comprehensively and critically discuss the prevailing culture at your employer organization or an organization that you are familiar with. Your answer must integrate both relevant theory and organizational data/examples (100%).

Explain the differences in conflict resolution strategy you would use with family or colleagues at work.

Conflict resolution Discuss a conflict resolution that you negotiated in the past. It can be a family or friend with whom you negotiated, or a scenario from your work or military experience. What strategy did you use? How was it effective or not and why? Explain the differences in conflict resolution strategy you would use […]

What is the width of the median in this cross section? What is the width of a typical lane in this cross section?

Geomtric quetions 1- A 4 lane divided highway with a 12 feet median has a highway grade of -1.5%. The minor road approach grade is 3.5%. The design speed is 45 mph for the maior road and 40 mph for the minor road. Find the right turn departure sight distance for a passenger car taking […]

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