Imagine that you are Creon’s defense lawyer. Present Confucius with two reasons that Creon is not guilty. Write one paragraph about each reason.

Question: In The Analects, Confucius suggests that studying tradition is essential. Moreover, Confucius declares that people fulfill their potential for the “good” by ordering their lives and society according to a hierarchy of duties. He teaches that just as individuals have a duty to respect and maintain the family hierarchy, they must honor and uphold […]

In this short essay, explain/discuss how the concept of elite unity and the Lesson from Confucius informed the NAM’s anti-New Deal strategy and corporate PR campaign.

In this short essay, explain/discuss how the concept of “elite unity” and the “Lesson from Confucius” informed the NAM’s anti-New Deal strategy and corporate PR campaign. This assignment must: (i) be 750-800 words in length, excluding the bibliography; (ii) be double-spaced, use Times New Roman 12-point font and 1″ margins; (iii) employ APA formatting; (iv) […]

What does Confucius say about the importance of rites? How might communities and individuals today benefit from strong traditions (or rites)? Are those traditions necessarily damaging to the freedom of individuals?Discuss

What does Confucius say about the importance of rites? How might communities and individuals today benefit from strong traditions (or rites)? Are those traditions necessarily damaging to the freedom of individuals? Analytical Paper – 6 pages, double-spaced. A strong analytical paper must be clearly written, explore and connect the relevant readings, include proper citations, and […]

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