What do you think the future holds for private label brands? What are some of your favorite private label brands and how do they compare to national/global brands?

Instructions: Create your own thread. Write a 300-word response to the following discussion posts, based on the information that you learned from the assigned readings in the past couple of weeks.  use real-world examples and cite the readings in your book that directly support your response. also reference your sources. DP#5 Private Label Brands: What […]

Teach your classmates about the current social problem that you have chosen in more detail.Identify at least a couple of possible solutions to this problem and your reasons as to why these would be possible solutions.

This project will give you the opportunity to learn more about a current social problem and to teach your classmates more about this social issue as well as possible solutions. You will choose a social problem from a chapter in your textbook. Present your chosen social problem in a PowerPoint presentation. You will need to […]

What was the culture for cheating or academic honesty in your earlier education? What do you know about integrity issues for journalism? What do you think are the most important areas of professional integrity and academic integrity? Are they different for journalism?

Assignment Instructions: Academic Integrity reading and memo Think: What resonates with you from integrity in previous classes? What do you think will be particularly applicable in a reporting public affairs class? What jumps out at you and makes you think? Write: Write a 2- to 3-page essay, double-spaced, including three of the most important take-away […]

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