Respond to the prompts below to complete your movie review. Use at least five of the course concepts/vocabulary in your responses . Make sure to refer to specific scenes and/or dialogue in your responses.

Movie Review on Grease (1978) Dr. Erik E. Morales Movie Review Outline Directions: Respond to the prompts below to complete your movie review. Use at least five of the course concepts/vocabulary in your responses . Make sure to refer to specific scenes and/or dialogue in your responses.

Give response to question “ How would a dialogue between an individual and his or her disease differ from the one depicted in Franklin’s text if the disease had no discernible cause?

Give response to question “ How would a dialogue between an individual and his or her disease differ from the one depicted in Franklin’s text if the disease had no discernible cause?

What ideas originally came to mind when you first read through the article? Did your initial response to the article change after reading it for a second time?

Engage with a Work of Research For this essay, you will select one of the articles provided below and engage in a 2-3 page summary and response dialogue with the source. This will involve providing a detailed summary of the source’s argument and responding to that argument with your position based on the information provided […]

Given the background of the Apology what do you think Socrates means by this. What is the overall topic of the Meno? and how is it relevant to the Athenians or to us for that matter?

At the end of the Meno (around 100b) Socrates says that if Meno can convince Anytus of the things they have concluded in the dialogue he will provide a benefit to the Athenians. Given the background of the Apology what do you think Socrates means by this. What is the overall topic of the Meno? […]

What do you say to get them to take an interest in the subject and help them see that it’s possible to know that God is real? Write the dialogue.

Write a short DIALOGUE  that builds on ONE of the following scenarios and develops some associated philosophical themes . You find yourself in a discussion with some classmates that don’t think it’s possible to know whether God exists and don’t think it matters too much whether you believe in God. What do you say to […]

Create a play with dialogue and add notes of the characters facial expressions, movements, and what they’re doing.

Create a play with dialogue and add notes of the characters facial expressions, movements, and what they’re doing. The play should be able to be acted out by 3 members and last 10 minutes long. The play is to be between 2 main characters and 1 character that comes in later within the play. This […]

Briefly answer the following questions: If you had to sum up the overall sound design of your chosen scene in one sentence, what would it be? Why is this design concept appropriate for the scene?

No Country for Old Men Must be rented or streamed Directions: After reading the textbook chapter and two articles related to sound design, watch No Country for Old Men, paying particularly close attention to the use of sound and silence throughout the film. Then choose one scene in the film* and, in a discussion of […]

Create college level academic essays , using the stages of the writing process. Express a specific opinion or position with supporting logic or evidence. Apply relevant composition strategies to match the needs of specific audiences and rhetorical situations.

After reading and studying pages 1-95 in Successful College Composition, you will write a descriptive narrative essay. Use all materials available on this textbook’s expansive website. Peruse, search, and use this tool. It is essential to your success in the course. Write an essay in which you narrate and describe ONE experience that propelled you […]

Select one of the articles provided below and engage in a 2-3 page summary and response dialogue with the source. This will involve providing a detailed summary of the source’s argument and responding to that argument with your position based on the information provided in the source.

For this essay, you will select one of the articles provided below and engage in a 2-3 page summary and response dialogue with the source. This will involve providing a detailed summary of the source’s argument and responding to that argument with your position based on the information provided in the source. In order to […]

Explore how language changes based on the situation. Imagine a situation in which one person is asking another person for a favor .

Journal: Language and Situation This week you will explore how language changes based on the situation. Imagine a situation in which one person is asking another person for a favor . Select three of the following situations: Grandchild talking to grandparent Two romantically involved people talking Employee talking to boss Student talking to professor Two […]

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