Write a minimum 500-word original business memo. In a concise manner, describe to executive management the data you will analyze to determine a potential market for this product. State your purpose in the opening paragraph and provide sufficient information to explain the required items.

MT219-3: Describe market segmentation and target marketing in a case scenario. Using the information on the target market you learned from reading Chapters 6 and 8 in your text, original research on the Internet, and the various Learning Activities provided, read the scenario and respond to the checklist items in a business memo format. Case […]

What is the relationship between the Emperor and the various daimyō to Nobunaga?

Nobunaga Source Activity 1. What are these documents attempting to accomplish? 2. What is Nobunaga attempting to do by making these statements? 3. Who has the power and how is it exercised according to this source? 4. What is the relationship between the Emperor and the various daimyō to Nobunaga? 5. How do you this […]

What is the significance of this document for understanding the politics and culture of the 1950s and 1960s?

Explain the following: • Who wrote the primary source document? What is this person or group’s significance (don’t just give biographical/demographic details, but a sense of why he, she, or it is an important historical figure or source for historical information.) • Why is the document’s agenda? What is it trying to persuade its readers? […]

Analyze and critically evaluate your COA with the basic concepts and forms of reasoning of Western traditions of ethical reasoning.

An ethical dilemma that you have faced in the past or are facing now? • What did you select as a Course of Action (COA), and how did you decide upon this COA? • Results of decision? • What would you do again if you could do it over? • Analyze and critically evaluate your […]

Explain how the article or story relates to the topic. Your thoughts or opinions about the article or story (why you chose it/what it means to you)

Find an online article or story that relates to the topic. The paper should have four parts: 1. A reference in MLA format at that start of the paper that allows anyone to look up the article or story 2. A brief summary of the article or story 3. An explanation of how the article […]

Investigate a complex marketing, advertising, PR, digital, Tourism, or communications issue and produce a substantial written document of their achievements, conclusions, and reflection (7000 words ).

Students are expected to investigate a complex marketing, advertising, PR, digital, Tourism, or communications issue and produce a substantial written document of their achievements, conclusions, and reflection (7000 words ). You will be required to address a research question and collect the data which should include the following: Include a 500 word summary of your […]

Create a Word Excell document over the “detail – Environmental Initiatives”.

Please see attached document. 1. Please create a Word Excell document over the “detail – Environmental Initiatives”. 2. Please create three environmental initiatives over the followinng A. LED lighting upgrade over conventional lighting B. “Cleaner” new products in a manufacting facility C. Migration to remote working, travel reduction 3. Please use Cooper Machinery as the […]

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